Join State Representative Brad Halbrook for a Legislative Update/Town Hall

State Representative Brad Halbrook is encouraging local families to join him for an upcoming Town Hall event in Ogden. Rep. Halbrook (R-Shelbyville) will provide an update on the state budget, the Democrats’ “green energy” bill and other critical issues considered by the General Assembly this spring. The event will also be an opportunity for Ogden-area residents to discuss their concerns and suggestions with Representative Halbrook.

“This is a great opportunity for us to sit down together and talk face to face about how what’s happening in Springfield will directly impact local families and communities, and also how I can help constituents navigate problems with unemployment benefits, FOID card renewals, and other state agency issues,” Rep. Halbrook said. “I hope to see everyone there!”

End of Session Legislative Update & Town Hall

Monday, June 21st


Rich’s Restaurant, 305 Ellen St. in Ogden

RSVP to:, 217.774.1306; or at Eventbrite