Join Reps Halbrook and Caulkins for a Session-End Town Hall in Mt. Zion

State Representative Brad Halbrook invites residents in Macon County to meet him and State Representative Dan Caulkins on June 22nd at the Mt. Zion Convention Center to discuss state issues and other concerns. The legislators are hosting an End of Session Town Hall discussion to update local residents on the important issues debated and passed in Springfield that impact our families.

  • 7:00pm to 8:30pm, Thursday, June 22nd
  • Mt. Zion Convention Center, 1400 Mt. Zion Parkway, Mt. Zion

“This was a particularly tough spring session on families’ rights, and taxpayers’ wallets. We’ll talk about the budget, Democrat gun bans and tax increase plans, and other critical issues. As always, I want to hear your thoughts and ideas,” Rep. Halbrook said.

If you plan to attend, please RSVP at

Representative Halbrook will be announcing more Town Hall dates and locations in the coming weeks. He stressed that local residents are always welcome to call his offices and set up an appointment, located at 203 N. Cedar Street, Shelbyville (217-774-1306) and at 304 E. Jefferson Ave, Suite A, Effingham (217-342-0220). Both offices are open by appointment only.