Halbrook: Temporary Restraining Order Blocking Targeting of Crisis Pregnancy Centers a “win for Constitutional rights”

A Temporary Restraining Order on a new law giving the Illinois Attorney General broad authority to target crisis pregnancy centers is a win for the Constitutional rights of everyday citizens, according to Rep. Brad Halbrook, who issued the following statement:

“The judicial stay granted in the National Institute of Family Life Advocates et al. v. Raoul case is a major step toward preserving the Constitutional rights of pro-life activists not just in Illinois but across the country. The idea that crisis pregnancy centers can be shut down simply because the people in charge of our state do not like their point of view is absurd, but more importantly, it is dangerous. 

The people working at these centers are mostly women and are there on a voluntary basis. They receive no state money and the women who walk into these centers are there of their own free will. These centers are upfront about being pro-life. They are upfront about their desire to help women choose life rather than abortion. There is nothing deceptive about the work being done at these centers. In fact, Attorney General Kwame Raoul could not cite one example of any crisis pregnancy center being accused of deceptive practices. This law is a radical attack on the free speech rights of everyday citizens and hopefully the actions taken Friday are the first steps toward overturning this outrageous law.”