Rep. Halbrook: Democrat Election Bill is Politics on Steroids

Wednesday evening, the majority party in the Illinois House pushed through last-minute election legislation that further shifts the process in favor of ruling Democrats.  Representative Brad Halbrook (R-Shelbyville) issued the following statement on the amended Senate Bill 2412.

“This legislation puts political heavy-handedness on steroids and puts on full display the depths to which the Democrats that have run Illinois into the ground will go to cling to their political power. It also resurrects the elimination of Illinois’ flat income tax rate…an idea Illinois voters resoundingly rejected just a few years ago,” Rep. Halbrook said. “Illinois already has the highest taxes in the country, and the most corruption arrests and convictions in the country. With this legislation, we can add election interference and the direct denial of democracy to the citizens of Illinois to the list that defines the current Democrat party.”

You can view more reaction from Rep. Halbrook and other Representatives from our region below.