Halbrook: New Law Officially Enables Shelby County Volunteer Rescue Squad

A new state law signed this month makes official Shelby County’s ability to create and manage a county volunteer rescue squad to assist first responders in emergency situations. State Representative Brad Halbrook helped pass the measure through the Illinois House. He said this is a vital step to helping ensure public safety.

“We have many local residents with the skills and the will to help their neighbors in emergency situations. While we have had an emergency volunteer squad in the county for a few years, this new law provides the statutory authority needed to put structure and protections in place, and to ensure the county board can allocate necessary funding,” Rep. Halbrook said.

Public Act 103-0895 authorizes the Shelby County Board to form, manage, fund, and operate a volunteer rescue squad to aid any public entity in the county providing law enforcement, firefighting, emergency disaster response, or first responder services. A squad like this generally focuses on rescue and recovery missions assisting the counties police and fire department when they need additional manpower for search and rescue operations.

 The Shelby County Board may also vote to provide benefits for rescue squad volunteers who suffer disease, injury, or death in the line of duty.   

“While the law provides the county board with funding authority for the team it does not create a new rescue squad district or a new tax levy,” Rep. Halbrook stressed.