Halbrook: Gov. Pritzker is the only person who still believes there is a pandemic

Governor Pritzker declared Wednesday that he will require all teachers and students to wear masks indoors this fall, regardless of vaccination status.  Masks will be required indoors at all times, including when playing sports, except for when eating or drinking.  Masks will not be required at recess or when playing outdoor sports.  Gov. Pritzker did not specify how long he wants masks to be required.

In his press conference, Gov. Pritzker revealed his true motive.  He said, “Adults can make the decision to go get vaccinated.  We’re trying to tell them: it’s time to do that.”  It is despicable that Pritzker is forcing children to suffer because a fraction of the population hasn’t rushed to get an experimental vaccine.  

School districts across the state were engaging in a productive, democratic process, looking at local data, and listening to voices on both sides to figure out a solution for their communities.  The Governor snuffed that all out with this nonsense edict.  

State Representative Brad Halbrook (R-Shelbyville) issued the following statement in response: 

The Governor is completely ignoring the science, which shows clearly that masks are not effective in stopping the transmission of COVID-19.  There is ample evidence showing that masks are harmful to children, who are not even at high risk from the virus.  When this tyranny began seventeen months ago, the primary concern was that our hospital systems would get overwhelmed and become unable to provide care for those most at risk.  This is no longer a concern.  There is no logical reason why a mask mandate should be forced onto schools.

This latest edict from Dictator Pritzker shows you exactly what his priorities are.  His unscientific decisions are harming students and benefitting no one.  We will not stand for this kind of tyranny.  He is trying to strip away local control, but he cannot take parental rights away.  He is negotiating with unions regarding mandatory vaccinations, but he is not negotiating with the full membership of the Illinois General Assembly, with the school boards, or with parents.  Illinois is a diverse state – the Governor’s one size fits all approach is not working for the people in east central Illinois.  That’s why we elect representatives in the first place.  Pritzker needs to make some room at the table in this discussion.

Please sign this petition here to share your views and let Governor Pritzker know that you want your voice heard.