
Thursday, May 11, 2023
Halbrook Points out Hypocrisy in Democrats’ Claims of “Protecting Women”

As the Democrat supermajority in the Illinois House Wednesday pushed through several abortion-related bills claiming they were needed to “protect women”, Rep. Halbrook pointed out their blatant hypocrisy. Watch below.

Thursday, May 4, 2023
National Day of Prayer Commemorated with Legislative Prayer Breakfast

Rep. Halbrook had a great start to the day at the Legislative Prayer Breakfast honoring our National Day of Prayer. Click the link below to watch!

Tuesday, May 2, 2023
Halbrook: There is no Restraint When it Comes to State of Illinois Spending

With three short weeks left to go in the spring legislative session, Democrats in the majority have not addressed serious issues facing our state and communities. Rep. Halbrook and several…

Thursday, April 20, 2023
Rep. Halbrook: New Chicago Mayor, Same Disastrous Progressive Policies

After Chicago Mayor-Elect Brandon Johnson’s address to the General Assembly Wednesday, Rep Halbrook and several of his House Republican Colleagues expressed their concerns about Johnson’s plan to continue disastrous tax…

Monday, February 6, 2023
Rep. Halbrook Announces Committees, Prioritizes Taxpayers

House Committees for the 103rd General Assembly have been organized. Rep. Halbrook is in a good position to fight for taxpayers. Click below for an update.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022
Roundtable: Failed Democrat Criminal Justice “Reforms” Must Be Repealed

There’s no question that Illinois Democrats’ so-called “Safe T Act” has made Illinois communities LESS safe. Rep. Halbrook and his colleagues discuss solutions in this week’s Roundtable.

Friday, January 14, 2022
Democrats’ “SAFE-T Act” has made us all LESS safe

Since the Democrats’ passage of the SAFE-T Act last year, we have seen a rise in violent crime across our state. We need to ensure public safety in Illinois by supporting…

Friday, September 10, 2021
Halbrook votes NO on disastrous “California-Style” Energy Bill

Late Thursday night Democrats in the House pushed through a disastrous energy bill that will strain Illinois families’ power supply, raise consumer prices, and make our state more dependent on…

Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Rep. Halbrook Pushes Back Against Gov. Pritzker’s Emergency Order Overreach

Rep. Halbrook today joined House Republican colleagues in pushing back against Governor Pritzker’s continued overreach on coronavirus executive and emergency orders. Watch here.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Halbrook stands with taxpayers against Dems’ graduated tax hikes