
Thursday, March 1, 2018
Rep. Halbrook Continues to Stand Up for 2nd Amendment Rights: Opposed 5 Anti-Gun Bills

State Representative Brad Halbrook (R-Shelbyville) opposed a package of anti-gun bills in the Illinois House of Representatives yesterday. These bills from both the House and Senate proposed more regulations and…

Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Governor’s Budget Address: LIVE Today at Noon

What: Governor Rauner delivers budget address Where: Illinois State Capitol – House Chamber Date: Wednesday, February 14, 2018 Time: 12:00 p.m. The address will be streamed on Facebook Live and at the following links:…

Thursday, February 8, 2018
Illinois Legislative Staff Intern Program Application Deadline: March 1

State Representative Brad Halbrook (R-Shelbyville) is encouraging people with an undergraduate degree who are interested in the legislative process to apply for one of twenty-four paid internships with the Illinois…

Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Pana Resident/Businessman Visits State Capitol and Rep. Halbrook

Roland Carlson (center), former president and CEO of Pana Community Hospital visited the Illinois Capitol this week to see the workings of the legislature. State Senator Chapin Rose (left) and…

Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Governor’s “State of the State” Address Today at 12:00 Noon

Today the Governor will deliver his “State of the State” address to a joint session of the General Assembly at the Illinois State Capitol. For those who are interested, you…

Friday, December 22, 2017
Rep. Halbrook Hosts Discussion at the Historic Vandalia State House on Economic Development for Central and Southern Illinois

Seated around the table (l-r): Rep. Brad Halbrook of Shelbyville; J.D. Sudeth, farmer and past president of the Sangamon County Farm Bureau; Rep. Dave Severin of Benton; Rep. Tim Butler…

Friday, December 15, 2017
Rep. Halbrook Legislation Extends Nursing Home Administrator Licensing 10 More Years

State Representative Brad Halbrook (R-Shelbyville) announced that the governor signed into law House Bill 1281 (Public Act 100-0560) that extends the repeal of the Nursing Home Administrators Licensing and Disciplinary…

Friday, December 8, 2017
Illinois Firearm Deer Season tops over 80,000 Tags

Second weekend of firearm deer season shows harvest improvement numbers. The preliminary total tag count is 80,021 deer for the seven days that hunters were allowed to hunt with shotguns…

Wednesday, November 8, 2017
Senior Citizens Health Fair Set for Nov. 21st

Rep. Brad Halbrook is sponsoring a free Health Fair for senior citizens in the 107th District. Please take advantage of this “one-stop shop” opportunity to gather information and learn about…

Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Rep. Halbrook Joins Paris Community Hospital to Bring Awareness to the Diabetes Health Issue

Learn more from this WAWV News report on this event.