Child care facilities closed by the Governor’s executive orders may reopen as early as the end of this month, State Representative Brad Halbrook said today. Halbrook (R-Shelbyville) said that thanks…
The lack of meaningful action to address the state’s financial woes has prompted a group of legislators to create the Illinois Taxpayer Freedom Caucus that will operate within the House…
The Governor today rescinded his emergency rule that would have slapped criminal charges on anyone violating the Governor’s stay at home orders, but State Representative Brad Halbrook (R-Shelbyville) says there…
Rep. Halbrook today joined House Republican colleagues in pushing back against Governor Pritzker’s continued overreach on coronavirus executive and emergency orders. Watch here.
It will take a bi-partisan, supermajority vote in the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules tomorrow to block the Governor’s new rule making criminals of small business owners who need to…
The Governor’s new emergency order forces small business owners to choose between remaining closed and losing their livelihood, or reopening and possibly going to jail. But, the Joint Committee on…
From my family to yours, have a Happy Mother’s Day!
Unemployment assistance is available for self-employed (1099) workers in our area! On Monday, May 11, self-employed individuals can apply for relief. From the Illinois Department of Employment Security: IDES Instructs…
House Republicans have a plan to reopen Illinois county by county based on local input and criteria.
The federal CARES Act provided much-needed relief for those with federal student loans who are struggling as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, including automatic suspension of monthly payments and…